

Berek Kozak was taken from his Polish mother at age 11 by German officials because he fit their ‘Aryan ideal.’ (Not fiction, this happened to children throughout the occupied territories.) They renamed him Boris, but couldn’t tame him and so he endured much abuse. This turned him into a twisted person that made a Kill List that he began acting on around 1954.

Berek reunites with a younger man (Arik Tarski) he met during the war and forges a romantic relationship–unfortunately, he’s still rather twisted and bent on revenge. He and another former kidnapped child (now a man) get sloppy and leave evidence behind at a crime scene in 1960 – and this puts him in the crosshairs of a policeman (Natan Bytner) who knows he’s responsible not just for this death, but many others since the mid-50s;  the young policeman cannot physically tie Berek to the crimes but that doesn’t stop him trying.



Bastards that took me from my home:

Volksdeutsche School bitches

Lebensraum Program idiots

National Political Institute of Education fuckers